Teaching Policies, Procedures and Parental Responsibilities
- All Qualified AJ Swimming Teachers are Swim Scotland/STA qualified and have the
relevant PVG checks before they can teach.
- Some Aj Swimming staff are trained and qualified as Pool Lifeguards in case of any
medical situations arising
- There will be Junior teachers assisting our qualified teachers in certain lessons to
aid their training and development.
- Qualified and Junior Teachers will be available for 1-2-1 & 1-2-2 private tuition
- Swimming Teachers will take responsibility for pupils during their swimming
lessons, but parents /guardians are required to remain nearby (poolside viewing or
designated viewing gallery) so that if required the parent / guardian can deal with
toilet breaks or any behavioural issues. AJ Swimming staff will NOT take pupils to
the toilet.
- Parents/guardians must remain on the premises whilst the pupil is attending their
swimming lessons. This is imperative in case of the unlikely event of a medical
emergency, building evacuation or other emergency.
- It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to supervise/watch their child get to and
from their teaching station ensuring a prompt pick up at the end of the lesson.
Pupils must be collected promptly at the end of the lesson.
- Parents/guardians must never distract the teacher during a lesson and should
direct all communication through the AJ Swimming Facebook page, or AJ swimming
email or the Head Teacher on poolside (if available).
- Parents/guardians should not speak with a teacher during the period that lessons
are in progress as it is dangerous and will distract the teacher from the supervision
of the pupils in their lesson.
- Pupils can be refused entry to the lesson if they are more than 5 minutes late for a
class, as it disrupts the lesson for the other pupils